Pool Table Re-cloth and Repair

If you have a Pool table in your private Games Room, Pub or Bar then you are in the right place. I offer a full Pool table playing surface re-covering (re-clothing) Nationwide.
The cost for a Pool table re-covering/re-clothing starts from £250, however this also depends where you live and the size of your Pool table (this price does not include cushion replacement).
The cost of a Pool table cloth is depending on the size of your table and which material you prefer (Napped or Worsted).
Napped Pool table cloth
is a directional wool you can feel. If you stroke the cloth in one direction it feels
very smooth whilst the other direction feels like a drag or rough. Napped cloths
are specially designed for British Pool tables.
Always keep your Snooker or Pool table cloth clean (use a Snooker/Pool table
brush and only if necessary vaccum the pockets but never the cloth).
Worsted Pool table cloth
are more expensive than Napped cloths and mainly used on American Pool tables but can also be fitted to a British Pool Table.
The flatter and finer non directional weave of the Worsted cloth gives you a faster professional playability than a Napped cloth. The higher quality does not deteriorate as quickly as the Napped cloth (depending how often you play, brush the cloth and a Pool table cover if not used).
Pool Table Re-Cloth
Pool Repair
Snooker Table
Do I need a Pool table cover?
The answer is Yes. You should always cover your Pool table up if it’s not in use. The cover protects from dust and direct sunlight, which can result in the fading of the colour of the cloth over time.
You should also brush your Pool table on a regular basis with a Pool table brush.
How often do I need to renew my Pool Table cloth?
This depends on how often you play and how well the cloth is looked after.
If you have a Pool table in your private Games room and you play on a regular basis then I recommend changing the cloth out every 12 to 15 months. If you have a Pool table on location (Pub or Bar) then I recommend changing the cloth every 6 to 8 months.
Can I use a Pool table cloth from Amazon?
You can, however I would not recommend this because of the quality and durability. I only offer Pool table cloths from the best companies in the business e.g; Hainsworth, Strachan and Simonis. These companies produce the finest cloths, using the best materials.
Please send me an email or give me a call if you can’t find a fitter in your area. We can discuss your Pool table, the type of material (Napped or Worsted) and colour that you would like to be fitted.
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